Academic Activities of M.Com (CA) |
03-02-2013 3rd February 2013 Courtesy: Prof.R.D.Sivakumar, Department of M.Com.(CA), ANJAC Academic Activities of M.Com (CA) Guest Lecture on Capital Budgeting The Department of M.Com.(CA) organized a Guest Lecture on 29.1.2013. Mr.R.D.Sivakumar, Head of the Department presided over the function. Mr.B.Selva Veerakumar, Assistant Professor of Commerce, Research Department of Business Administration, H.H.Raja’s College, Pudukottai, was the chief guest the guest lecture and he gave a lecture on the topic Capital Budgeting for the II M.Com.(CA) Students. On 19.1.2013, the Department of M.Com.(CA), Anjac College, organized a Guest Lecture on the topic Analysis of Variance. Mr.R.D.Sivakumar, Head of the Department presided over the function. Chief Guest Mr.S.Murugaiyan, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, ANJA College, gave a lecture on Analysis of Variance for the I M.Com.(CA) Students. The Department of M.Com.(CA) organized Mock Interview for the final year M.Com(CA) students on 7.1.2013. Mr.D.Selvaraj, Trainer Cum Director, SEL Academy Flair Maximus Inc., Sivakasi, acted as the Chair Person. Mr.R.D.Siva Kumar, Head of the Department and staff were present. In connection with Swami Vivekanandas birthday, the students of M.Com.(CA) Department, Anja College celebrated National Youth Day on 10.1.2013. On the same day, the department celebrated Pongal. The faculty and boys turned up in the traditional dhoties, and the girls in sarees. Students prepared Pongal in front of their department. The function was presided over by Mr.R.D.Sivakumar, Head of the Department. |