Monsoon rains unable to fill water reservoirs

20th October 2013

Monsoon rains unable to fill water reservoirs

Despite good northeast monsoon rains for four consecutive days, reservoirs run short of water in Sivakasi town. The heavy northeast monsoon downpour and thunderstorms increased the water inflow to Periyakulam, Sirukulam Kanmai and other water reservoirs in Sivakasi. However it is still not enough to fill our reservoirs. The recent rains only able to fill 10% of the total capacity of the reservoirs. There has been no significant rise of water in major water reservoirs due to successive years of drought in Sivakasi town resulting only in the soil getting wet. It is expected that monsoon rain will give significant inflow of water to Periyakulam and Sirukulam Kanmai and enable Sivakasians to over overcome the water crisis in the next summer.

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