Internal Quality Assurance Cell

27th October 2013

Courtesy: Prof. Rathika Boobalan, Head, Dept. of English(PG), ANJAC, Sivakasi

Internal Quality Assurance Cell

Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College organised a meeting on "Counselling and Psychological Services to Students" for all the staff members of ANJAC on 26th October, 2013. Dr.V.Ramasubramaniam, Dean, Student Services welcomed the gathering. Dr.S.Baskaran, Principal, delivered his address regarding the role of counsellors and setting up a counselling centre at ANJAC. The Principal shared the present scenario of the behaviour of the college students as discussed in the meeting organised by Joint Director of College Education. Dr.V.Manohar, Asst. Co-ordinator of IQAC proposed vote of thanks.

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