31-01-2017 Martyrs' Day (at national level) is also known as Sarvodaya day that honour those recognised as martyrs for the nation. 30th January, is the date observed at the national level. The I / II M.Com (CA) Students, Staff and Mr.R.D.Sivakumar, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of M.Com (CA) and Assistant Professor of Computer Science, ANJAC, Sivakasi are two-minute silence in memory of the Father of the Nation and other martyrs is observed throughout the M.Com (CA) Department at 11 a.m. (West Block) on 30th January, 2017. Martyrs' Day was pledged at West Block, Department of M.Com (CA), ANJAC, Sivakasi, on 30th January, 2017, Wednesday. Ø Mr. R.D.Sivakumar, M.Sc.,M.Phil.,M.Tech., Head, Department of M.Com. (CA) and Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, ANJAC shall read out the following pledge and students will repeat the same. |