My Language,My Love

The largest word in English has 45 letters:
‘Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconios’ it is a type of lung disease caused by inhaling as hand sand dust.
The largest English word that can be spelled without repeating any letters is “uncopyrightable”
The following sentence contains all 26 letters at the alphabet.”The Quick brown for jumps over the lazy dog”. This sentence is often used to typewriters or keyboards.
Shakespeare invented many words, Such as birthplace, blushing undress, torture and many more which you will find here
The first English dictionary was written in 1755.
The longest regularly formed English word is preatertranssubstantiationalistically which contains 37 letters.
RHTHYM is a six letter word which has no Vowel.

IInd M.A English,
ANJAC College,Sivakasi.

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