MoU was signed between the Mr. R.D. Sivakumar, M.Sc.,M.Phil., M.Tech., Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Assistant Professor and Head, Department of M.Com.(Computer Applications), ANJAC, Sivakasi and Mr.N.Kamaraj,B.Com., Director, Supreme Polypacks Pvt. Ltd., Supreme Nagar, B...more
O Lord
Bless my angel.
When I came to the world
She held me in her affectionate hand.
When I first saw my mother
She welcomed me with her loving tears.
She is no so rich,not so wealthy
But her love is uncountable and valuable.
I cannot repay t...more
I was once sad and lonely
Having nobody to comfort me,
so I wore a mask that always smiled
to hide my feelings behind a lie.
Before long I have many friends
With my mask I was one of them,
but still inside I stil...more
In our life we are all have frieds.Friends are God's gift.God never come directly to help us,God's messenger calls friends. We can share our emotion and feelings with our friends.Somefeelings we can't tell our parent or anybody else,but we can share it w...more
Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College was set for UGC committee visit for the extension of Autonomy status. The visit was planned for two days 14.7.17 and 15.7.17. The first day six member team visited all the departments and reviewed the achievements and the profile of the departments. Suggestions were p...more
Lonely Candle
Killed myself as wax
Lighted everything except me
Brighten up all gloomy places
But life is full of betrayal
Hope was destroyed
Goodness was abolished
Opportunities were rejected
Kindness was reduced
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