10th December 2014
Sivakasi Weather: Drizzle brings temperature down
A slight drizzle in Sivakasi town, reduced the day temperature by two to three degrees. The day temperature was recorded as 29 degrees Celsius, last week it was at 32 degree. The minimum temperature al...more
10th December 2014
69th Margali Fest
Nityaanjali Theiviga Innisai
By: Thirumathi Niranjana Kodieswaran and Thirumathi Latha Abiruben
Date: 12-12-2014 and 13-12-2014, Friday and Saturday
Time: 07:00 p.m. to 09:00 p.m.
Venue: Muthamizh Maedai, ...more
10th December 2014
Drizzling start for Sivakasi
Cool breeze, mild showers, an overcast sky and respite from heat, Sivakasi weather has pleasant climate today. Temperatures are cooling but still no rain, in Sivakasi town. Today, there was drizzle in Sivakasi at early mor...more
7th December 2014
Sevarkodiyetru Vizha - Sivakasi Margazhi Fest 2014
Date: 16-12-2014, Tuesday
Time: 04:30 a.m.
Venue: Sri Mariamman Kovil Sivakasi
Mr.K.A.A.A.Tenzing will hoist the flag and inaugurated the Margazhi Bhajan
Organisers: Sri Arungagiri
7th December 2014
Muthamizh medai getting ready for Sivakasi Margazhi Fest 2014
The 69th Margazhi Fest of Sivakasi Arunagirinathar Sabai - Mathar Sabai begins from 12th December 2014, Friday. And the fest ends on 13th January 2015, Tuesday. Setting up of pandhal for mut...more
5th December 2014
Happy Karthigai
May the auspicious festival of lights,
illuminate your life in the year ahead with...
Happiness and prosperity!
Happy Karthigai
5th December 2014
Sivakasi gears up to celebrate Karthigai Thirunal
Three days Karthigai festival will be celebrated in Sivakasi town from today onwards. Sivakasi temple organizers have made all necessary preparations (lighting of chokkapalam) to celebrate the festival....more
4th December 2014
World AIDS Day observed at SBCP
NSS Unit and Red Ribbon Club of Sankaralingam Bhuvaneswari College of Pharmacy observed World AIDS Day on 1st December 2014, Monday. Prof. R.Sudharsingh, Vice Principal, presided over the function, in the presence of Ass...more
3rd November 2014
Clay lamps sell in town as Karthigai Deepam nears
As Karthigal Festival is just two days away, households in Sivakasi town are busy shopping for dainty clay pots. Different models of lamps made of clay are on display by the roadside vendors and hawkers...more
2nd December 2014
Hundreds witness Sivakasi Ayyanar Kovil kumbabishekam
Hundreds of devotees witnessed the Maha Kumbabishekam (consecration) of Sivakasi Sri Koondhappanai Ayyanar Swami Temple, on 28th November 2014, Friday. Holy water was poured on the Kovil kalasams at...more
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