22nd April 2013
Courtesy: Mr.R.D.Sivakumar, Head, Department of M.Com.(CA), ANJAC
FEMTALE-13 at AJ College
Women-s Cell of Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College conducted FEMTALE-13, an Intra Collegiate Competition, on 5th March 2013, Tuesday. Girl students fro...more
21st April 2013
Drizzle for few minutes
Today evening, in Sivakasi, black clouds gathered and drizzled for few minutes. The sudden change in the weather after a dry spell brings down the temperature, in Sivakasi. But there is no heavy rainfall in the town. Sivakasians e...more
21st April 2013
Photo Courtesy: Mr.Anantha Krishnan, ANJAC, Sivakasi.
ANJAC celebrated 50th Anniversary
Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College celebrated 50th anniversary and Founder-s Day, on 20th April 2013, Saturday. Correspondent Mr.Subash Chandra Bose presi...more
20th April 2013
Maintenance Work Carried Out
Today, power supply in Sivakasi and adjoining areas was disrupted from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., as TNEB carried out monthly maintenance works in the town. Also, during the shutdown, tree branches would be cut and take up regul...more
20th April 2013
Power Shut Down for Maintenance Purpose
Today, there may be power shut down for maintenance purpose for the month of April 2013, in Sivakasi and Thiruthangal area.
19th April 2013
Every Sunday in Sivakasi - English Worship
Time: 07:00 p.m. to 08:00 p.m.
Place: Church of God in India, P.K.N. Road, Sivakasi
God-s Message: Pastor Emmanuel Selvaraj
Contemporary Music, Power Messages and New Worship Songs
For furthe...more
18th April 2013
Courtesy: Prof.Amutha Shanmugam, AP(Sr.Gr.)/IT, PSREC, Sivakasi
MoU between PSREC and Nativelead Foundation
Exchanging MoU between P.S.R. Engineering College and Nativelead Foundation – CII Madurai zone on 19th April 2013, Friday, at 10....more
18th April 2013
Courtesy: Prof.Amutha Shanmugam, AP(Sr.Gr.)/IT, PSREC, Sivakasi
ReCanT - 2013
3rd National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing, Communication and Technology
Date: 19-04-2013, Friday
Venue: CSE Seminar Hall, PSREC, Sivakasi
18th April 2013
Courtesy: Prof.Amutha Shanmugam, AP(Sr.Gr.)/IT, PSREC, Sivakasi
14th Annual Sports Day at P.S.R Engineering College
Date: 19-04-2013, Friday
Time: 02:30 p.m.
Chief Guest: Thiru C.Chinniah M.A.,B.L., Deputy Superintendent of Police,Sa...more
18th April 2013
First Steps - Summer Camp
Date: 15-04-2013 to 24-05-2013
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m.
No Age Limit
Course - Key Board, Guitar and Musical Pad
Date: 15-04-2013 to 24-05-2013
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m.
Age Li...more
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