27th January 2014
65th Republic Day celebrated at SBCP
The 65th Republic Day was celebrated at Sankaralingam Bhuvaneswari College of Pharmacy, Sivakasi, on 26th January 2014, Sunday. Prof.P.Solairaj, Principal, SBCP, presided over the function and welcomed the gathering...more
27th January 2014
Courtesy: Prof.B.Rathika, Head, Dept. of English(PG), ANJAC, Sivakasi
Virudhunagar District Cluster of colleges Joint Faculty Programme
The Post Graduate Department of ANJAC has proposed to organise Virudhunagar District Cluster of colle...more
26th January 2014
Courtesy: Prof.B.Rathika, Head, Dept. of English(PG), ANJAC, Sivakasi
51st Graduation Day of ANJAC
The 51st Graduation Day of ANJAC was held on 25.1.2014. Around 1000 students received their degrees in person. And nearly 110 students rec...more
24th January 2014
National Voters Day Observed at SBCP
To create awareness among the voters on the importance of their democratic duty, Sivakasi Sankaralingam Bhuvaneswari College of Pharmacy observed National Voters Day on 25th January 2014, Saturday. Asst. Prof. Sonia...more
25th January 2014
Kaayakalpam Class Registration
Date: 26-01-2014, Sunday
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 01:30 p.m.
Venue: Sivakasi VM Manavalakkalai Mandram, 697, PKSA Arumuga Nadar Road,Opposite to Sreenivas Departmental Store, Sivakasi
Trainer: Mr.M.R.S.Sundha
24th January 2014
Guest Lecture on Cost Control
Department of M.Com(CA) organized a Guest Lecture on 23rd January 2014, Thursday. Mr.Ganesh Kumar, Student of M.Com(CA) welcomed the gathering. Mr.R.D.Sivakumar, Head, Department of M.Com(CA), ANJAC presided over t...more
24th January 2014
Courtesy: Prof.B.Rathika, Head, Dept. of English(PG), ANJAC, Sivakasi
Soft Skill Training Programme
The first slot of 7 day Spoken English and Soft Skill Training Programme for the outgoing B.A. and M.A. English students came to an end s...more
24th January 2014
MoU Signed
Department of M.Com(CA), Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Mr.M.Sivakumar, Managing Director, Jai Hanuman Fire Safety and Services, Sivakasi on 22nd January, 2014, Friday. Mr.M.Sivakuma...more
24th January 2014
Aanmeegam Oru Arimugam - 10 days yoga class (includes Kaayakalpam Payirchi)
Date: 25.01.2014 to 03.02.2014
Time: 06:30 p.m. to 08:00 p.m.
Venue: Sivakasi VM Manavalakkalai Mandram, 697, PKSA Arumuga Nadar Road,Opposite to Sreenivas Departmental S...more
23rd January 2014
Personality Development Programme at AAACET
“Personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures” says F. Scott Fitzgerald. Keeping this in mind, AAA College of Engineering & Technology organizes a consecutive Personality Development Programme...more
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