17th July 2014
The Daytime Moon
From today, you might have seen moon during the daytime, in Sivakasi town. This is because, after Full Moon, the Moon continues in its orbit, moving slowly towards the Sun on the opposite side, and again Sun and Moon can be seen at the sa...more
16th July 2014
Courtesy: Ms.G.Karunya, Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, & Dean, Centre for Technology Enhaced Learning, ANJAC, Sivakasi
Staff Development Programme
On 14th and 15th July 2014, Centre for Technology Enhance Learning (CTEL) organised a ...more
16th July 2014
Guru Poornima celebrated in Sivakasi
Guru Poornima was celebrated with religious fervour and enthusiasm all over Sivakasi town on 12th july 2014, Saturday. Arulmighu Sri Badrakaliamman Thirukovil and Arulmighu Sri Mariamman Thirukovil in particular, were ...more
16th July 2014
Aani Therottam Festival at Thiruthangal
As a part of 13 days Aani Festival 2014, Therottam was held, on 14th July 2014, Monday, at Thiruthangal. After special pujas were performed to the presiding deities, Nindra Narayana Perummal and Sengamalathaayar, at...more
16th July 2014
Courtesy: The Hindu
Theatres at burns treatment centre yet to operate
Chief Minister opened them on June 23
Two operation theatres at the Centre of Excellence for Burns Treatment at the government hospital in Sivakasi in Tami...more
15th July 2014
Awareness Programme Organised at AAACET
Narcotics Control Bureau organized an awareness programme on the topic “Heroes Becoming Zeroes by Drug Abuse” at AAA College of Engineering &Technology campus on 10th July 2014, Thursday. Dr.M.Vijaya Saravanan M...more
15th July 2014
Courtesy: PrintWeek
Management seminar at Sivakasi
Sivakasi Master Printers’ Association (SMPA) is organising a day long management seminar ‘Enrich Your Attitude’ at SMPA Hall in Sivakasi on 18 July 2014. The seminar which is being he...more
15th July 2014
Sivakasi celebrates birth anniversary of Kamaraj
Today, the 112th birth anniversary of freedom fighter and former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, K.Kamaraj, was celebrated across Sivakasi town. Sivakasians celebrated the 112th birth anniversary of late lead...more
14th July 2014
Courtesy: Mr.Pawan Khaitan, Organiser
116th Free eye camp conducted
Sivakasi Khaitan Steel Mart and Sankara Eye Hospital on 13th July 2014, Sunday conducted a free eye screening camp. According to a release from the organisers, they conduct...more
14th July 2014
Inaugural Function of SOFTCOM Association
SOFTCOM Association was inaugurated on 30th June 2014, Monday, The Department of M.Com.(CA), ANJAC, Sivakasi. Mr.R.D.Sivakumar, Head, Department of M.Com.(CA), ANJAC presided over the function. Chief Guest for...more
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