11th June 2013
Study Skills Workshop for Children
Purple Glow, redefine your life, is going to conduct STUDY SKILLS WORKSHOP for children in the age group of 11 to 15 years between 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on 23rd June 2013 (Sunday) at 462c, Jeyam Offset premises, Thiruthang...more
10th June 2013
Free eye camp to be held
Date: 16-06-2013, Sunday
Time: 09:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.
Venue: SHNV Boys Higher Secondary School, Sivakasi
Organisers: Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithy and Madurai Aravind Eye Hospital
10th June 2013
School reopened in Sivakasi
State Board and Matriculation schools in Sivakasi reopened, today, after over two months of long summer vacation. Dressed in their uniforms, the students resumed schooling today after two months summer vacations. After Annual e...more
9th June 2013
Black clouds hovered but no rain
Black clouds hovered in the day time, for last two days, but unluckily there was no rain in Sivakasi town. Sivakasians hope that there would be monsoon spell to tackle water crisis problem. For next one week, the climate wi...more
8th June 2013
Sivakasi Weekly launches free e-Greetings services
Today, sivakasiweekly.com launched free e-greetings services. In Sivakasi Weekly e-Greetings - readers and well wishers can wish their beloved ones through short and sweet messages for free (publish in 10...more
8th June 2013
Guest Lecture on Animation and e-content Development
Date: 10.06.2013, Monday
Time: 10.00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m.
Venue: Computer Block, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi
Topic: e-content Development
Resource Person-I: Mr. R.D.Sivaku...more
7th June 2013
Unscheduled Power Cuts in Sivakasi
For last few days, Sivakasi town have been facing power cuts ranging between 3-5 hours of power cut daily. The unscheduled power cuts extend to more than four hours in the day time. The unscheduled and unannounced power c...more
6th June 2013
335th Homeopathy Camp Organised
The 335th Free Homeopathy Camp was successfully organised by Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithy, Sivakasi, on 26th May 2013, Sunday, at Coronation Girls Higher Secondary School, Sivakasi. Homeopathy Dr.Pasupathi and his team partic...more
4th June 2013
Free Eye Camp
Date: 09-06-2013, Sunday
Time: 09:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.
Venue: Sivakasi Chamber of Trade Promotion
Organisers: Sankara Eye Hospital and Khaitan Steel Mart
4th June 2013
Courtesy: Prof. Rathika Boobalan, Head, Dept. of English(PG), ANJAC, Sivakasi
National Seminar at ANJAC
Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College has planned to organise NAAC sponsored Two day National Seminar on SO...more
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